Hamza Benjelloun

  • Residential and Commercial Real Estate Broker
  • Hamza Benjelloun Inc


Hamza Benjelloun spent his early years working for a family business that fosters an environment in which entrepreneurship tends to thrive. He acquired his first property at the age of 19, which quickly gave him a sense of responsibility & a great outlook on his future career. He attended the school of X in 20XX, earning his first certification as a residential real estate broker. Two years later, Hamza went on to pursue an advanced course in commercial real estate.


This business venture led him to a successful career worthy of his remarkable dedication towards his work. He proved to be a rising agent in the Laval area aiming for luxurious residences and condominiums. He is now a leader in the city of Laval through an impressive transaction record with local & foreign investors. His priority is to offer a customized service tailored to each client's needs. His passion for travelling gave him the ability to easily mingle with his cosmopolitan clientele.


                Throughout his experience, Hamza was able to build numerous connections to parallel fields of expertise, allowing him to better understand the integral component of the real estate business. He's been immersed in an entrepreneurial ecosystem by working closely with notaries, banks, investors & other stakeholders sharing insights on the upcoming changes concerning the real estate industry. This makes him a key actor in the sector. Hamza also demonstrates the capacity to assist his clients throughout the process, making them feel confident about their investment.


                Hamza is committed to offer a noteworthy service to his clients along with honest recommendations to help them make smart decisions & optimize their investment. He is constantly monitoring real estate markets and sales trend in Laval. Hamza believes privacy to be an essential part of the relationship by insuring the appropriate use of one's information to offer a maximum protection for his clients. His professionalism & his attention to detail reflect on the number of referrals from clients he had dealt with in the past. He always insures to leave a good impression with clients showing a great level of satisfaction.



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The key to solving latent (hidden) defects.

The Integri-T plan is a guarantee offered to buyers and sellers who want peace of mind in the event of latent defects. This unique coverage exclusive to RE/MAX provides financial protection to buyers and sellers in case of a claim.

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Hamza Benjelloun

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